back to school special:
5 lesson fee reduced: $160 for all new school age students- mention this offer when making your booking!
Book 5 x 30 min.
Sessions @ $170.00
with Brandi-Singing, Piano or Bass
Casual: for the individual who wants some flexibility and
doesn't want to secure a time.
$45.00 per 30 min session.
Guitar lessons with Reno call 0411110401
to discuss fees and schedule times.
Working together to acheive your goals:
Class etiquette
Studying singing, or your chosen instrument is a lifestyle choice. If undertaken in the right way it is life changing. To get the best out of your lessons and to really benefit from the experience it is important to take the lessons seriously. Regular attendance of your lessons is the only way to progress sufficiently for the maximum benefit. Classes are paid in advance to encourage attendance and to encourage perseverance.....IT WILL BE WORTH IT.
Nevertheless sickness and annual holidays can sometimes interfere with lessons.
It is important to notify your teacher if a lesson will be missed. Cavern music has a waiting list and if lessons are missed regularly the lesson time will be passed onto someone else.
Learning to sing, or learning to play an instrument is a partnership between you and your teacher, therefore homework needs to be taken seriously for progress to be made.
At Cavern Music your success is our success.
Secured sessions are bulk booked and kept in advance.
They are encouraged as they help the student to prioritize their music, they are therefore offered at a discounted rate
Secured sessions contributions are due on the last paid session for the next block of five.
Sessions at Cavern Music are conducted Monday to Saturday by appointment.
Early Childhood classes are conducted as private sessions. Group sessions can be arranged by negotiation.
If you want Music for Little Mozarts to visit your preschool pease contact Brandi.
A one off visit from Beethoven Bear and Mozart Mouse $60.00 per class/ between 12 and 20 children.
Ongoing visits by negotiation with the preschool.
Becoming part of the CavernMusic Experience couldn't be easier. There are no term fees, no contracts.
No Huge Commitment, other than your commitment to yourself, your growth, your learning.
Bookings by appointment by Phone 0403742533 or email: cavernmusiclessons@gmail.com